Phoenix Life Coaching        



About Coaching

The shakers and movers in business and politics have had coaches for decades. Our top athletes have always had them; few world class competitors would achieve the amazing results they do without one. Now, the rest of us have access to this time proven method of generating our best from ourselves, for ourselves. Coaching has grown to become one of the most effective and valued services of the new millennium.

"...want to get even further ahead?...What you need is a coach, your own personal motivator. They're not just for top-ranked tennis players any more."   
- Miami Herald

Coaching is a means of achieving greater success and personal fulfilment through an alliance with a new breed of specialist. An expert in the technologies of motivation and personal change, a skilled coach can be a powerful tool to help you decide what it is you really want in life, generate an effective plan to get it, and to help keep you motivated and on track. At the heart of life-coaching is an alliance between the client and coach formed for the sole purpose of helping the client attain his or her goals. The client-coach relationship is built upon trust, mutual respect, and this solitary focus.

"As life gets more frenzied, people are struggling to find balance and purpose. A coach simply helps you realize a more fulfilling and harmonious life, faster and  easier."
- Dayton Daily News

"...a personal coach is more like a midwife of happiness, encouraging clients to name their goals and achieve them."   
- Networker

Because coaching is client centered and client driven, you are assured that the process conforms to meet your needs.

Integrative Deep Coaching promotes integral change that can provide you with a more satisfying life-game to play, one that is congruent with your deepest values and is harmonized with the world about you. In the process, it teaches you to to become your own ultimate coach.

If you have any further questions about coaching or about the services of IDC, I invite you to contact me by phone or email. Click on the contact button at the bottom of the page.


Copyright © 2002 / 2009,  G.S. Renfrey.

G. Stephen Renfrey, Ph.D


sun on water



There are now a number of posted ARTICLES that are relevant to coaching, psychology, and holistic wellness. These will be growing in number and scope in the coming months as they are reformatted for the web. I invite you to check back from time to time to see if there is something of interest to you.