Seven Days for Seven Chakras
This is an exercise in personal exploration. The
teachings of many cultures and spiritual traditions speak of energy
centers in the body that correspond to different functions of the
body, mind, emotions, and spirit. There appears to be an intuitive
wisdom to these teachings and, regardless of your beliefs or traditions,
this exercise can lead to personally meaningful and useful insights.
The Journey begins with basic mindful meditation,
though you can begin with any meditative practice that brings you
focus and peace of mind. For seven days, you will meditate on one
chakra, beginning with the Base Chakra, and work your way up sequentially.
The location of each chakra is given and it is here that your attention
will be focused during your meditations. Also, some common associations
held for each chakra are provided. Do not worry about apparent inconsistencies
here or about trying to gain insight into these at any time. If
something comes to you that seems to fit with these associations,
that’s wonderful. If not, that’s wonderful too.
A number of other aids are provided for each chakra,
drawn largely Yogic and Tantric traditions. You don’t have
to use any of these, but you may find one or more helpful. For each
chakra you will find a mantra, or meditative sound, and a colour.
If you use mantras in your meditation, it might be useful to try
these. If you are very visual, you might find it helpful to have
something of the associated colours nearby each day. There are also
herbs associated with some that can be kept nearby or used as incense.
Finally, for those who practice yoga, there is a yoga pose provided
for each that may help open the chakra and can be used before or
during your meditation.
The Journey
As in all meditation, it is important to select a
time and place for undisturbed quietude. Some find that stretching
or yoga practice before meditation is an excellent aid to mindfulness.
Begin by assuming a good seated meditation posture and take in several
full breaths in the yogic tradition. This is to relax your body
and calm your mind. Next, as you take your next full breath, imagine
that you are drawing life energy up form the Earth through your
perineum, the first Chakra. Imagine this energy swirling around
the area, filling it, cleansing it, releasing it.
On your breath out, imagine all tension and blocking
in that area to be expelled. You may repeat this with the first
chakra until you sense it is clear or until you are at least familiar
with how it feels. On the next breath, breathe in life energy through
your perineum and bring it up to the second chakra. Let it swirl
around and fill the second chakra and then breathe out, expelling
Repeat this, moving up the chakras in sequence. The
purpose is to deepen your relaxation (this makes a very good meditation
in itself) and increase your awareness of the chakras and of how
they feel to you. Are they free? Blocked? Tense? Loose? Hot? Cool?
Just be aware. You can move up the sequence once, or repeat it until
you feel ready to move on.
Now, focus on the chakra of the day and allow your
self to be aware of it. You may choose to breathe into that chakra
as in the first phase, or simply take a more passive approach to
the exploration. Be aware of any images, memories, or other associations
that come to your mind as you do this. After spending time at this,
ask the chakra if there is anything that it needs to say to you
at this time. Be open to the messages you may receive and feel free
to ask further questions that seem relevant.
Finally, end the exploration by breathing life force
up through first chakra and out through the last chakra. Repeat
this for a moment or two.
You may want to keep a log of the thoughts, feelings,
and images that appear to you during this work. Even if they don’t
now, they may make sense to you at a later time. After you have
moved through the seven chakras, which will take a week or more,
sit back and reflect on all that you have experienced.
Day One: The Base {Muladhar} Chakra:
Location: The Base of the Pelvis. The perineum (between
anus and genitals), pointing downward.
Associations: Connections with the Earth, physical survival, feelings
of safety and security vs. fear.
Physical: Lower back and spine, legs, hips, feet, and blood circulation.
Mantra: "Lam"
Colour: Red or Black
Herb: Cedar
Yoga Pose: The Bridge.
Element: Earth
Day Two: The Sacral {Svadhisthana} Chakra:
Location: Body center About 1" below your navel
and about 2" inside your body.
Associations: Sexuality, sensuality, pleasure, passion, socialization,
emotional attachment, physical creativity. Feelings of anger, resentment,
frustration, desire. Helps balance the mind, body, and emotions.
Physical: Genital organs, bladder, lower intestines, and bowel.
Mantra: "Vam"
Colour: Orange
Yoga Pose: The Cobra.
Element: Water
Day Three: The Solar {Manipura} Chakra:
Location: The Solar Plexus where the ribs join below
your chest, about 2" inside your body.
Associations: The seat of emotional living and personal / interpersonal
power. Emotional sensitivity, feelings of anger and hostility. Wisdom,
strength, courage, and authenticity. The will to succeed and achievement
orientation. The subconscious.
Physical: Upper digestive track, upper back and spine.
Mantra: "Ram"
Colour: Yellow
Herb: Carnation, cinnamon, and marigold.
Yoga Pose: The Bow.
Element: Fire
Day Four: The Heart {Anahata} Chakra:
Location: The heart.
Associations: The main center of control for our body. How we express
emotions toward ourselves and others. The emotions of love, harmony,
self esteem, compassion, and peace.
Physical: Heart and lungs.
Mantra: "Yam"
Colour: Green
Herb: Lavender, jasmine, orris root, yarrow, marjoram, and meadowsweet.
Yoga Pose: The Camel.
Element: Air
Day Five: The Throat {Visuddha} Chakra:
Location: In the middle of the throat.
Associations: Clear, truthful communication. Judgment. Non physical
creativity. Youthfulness and longevity.
Physical: Mouth, teeth, tongue, jaw, throat, and thyroid.
Mantra: "Ham"
Colour: Light Blue
Herb: Frankincense and benzoin.
Yoga Pose: The Fish
Element: Akasha
Day Six: The "Third Eye" {Ajna} Chakra:
Location: The "Third Eye," sometimes called
the "Spirit Eye." Middle of your forehead.
Associations: Mental clarity, intuition, spiritual pondering, inner
or personal visions, powers of discernment, spiritual knowledge
and wisdom, our sixth sense of awareness.
Physical: The pituitary glands; brain, peripheral nervous system,
eyes, the senses of sight, smell, taste, and touch; the skull.
Mantra: "Om"
Color: Indigo / Royal Purple.
Herb: Mugwort, star anise, acacia, and saffron.
Yoga Pose: Seated Yoga Mudra
Element: Beyond Elements
Day Seven: The Crown {Sahasrara} Chakra:
Location: The Crown of your head, pointing upward.
Associations: Transcendence and freedom. Creation of miracles. Healing.
Connection with the Divine. Connection with the higher self and
with the life force energy. Belief, unconditional love and beauty.
Destiny. Balance between interior and exterior of our being.
Physical: Brain stem and pain centers.
Mantra: None. Silence.
Color: Shimmering White or Violet
Herb: Frankincense and benzoin.
Yoga Pose: Seated Meditation

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