Creating a Personal Meditation Ritual
There are many forms of meditation and countless
ways to produce the inner quietude and focus so useful for relaxation,
healing, and personal growth. Common among most, however, is the
use of ritual. Rituals can be a means of sacred observance in themselves,
but when integrated with meditation, they become a powerful avenue
for creating the atmosphere and mind state conducive to the mindfulness
we seek. Rituals are best created for each user by the user. What
is meaningful and helpful to you, may not be so for another. There
are several general guidelines, however, that most people find helpful.
Take from these what is useful and leave the rest.
Set Time Aside: Consistency
is central to effective meditation and so it is important to commit
yourself to regular practice. At first, this requires discipline.
Then, only intent.
- It is often helpful at first to meditate at about the same time
each day.
Meditating for about 20 minutes is a good rule of thumb, though
meditations can be shorter.
- Meditate every day at least once. Twice a day is ideal but not
necessary. The best times for meditation for many prove to be
in the morning and / or evening.
- Once established, stick to your schedule as much as possible.
Establish a Special Place:
Consistent practice of meditation in a special place will endow
that place with positive feelings and expectations and will provide
you with a reminder to practice.
- Ensure that the place you select is relatively quite and relaxing
for you.
- Ensure that the place is one that others are unlikely to intrude
- It is best if the place is not used for other purposes, but
if it is, find a way to alter it for when you use it for meditation
so that it appears unique.
Set the Atmosphere: Taking
a few steps to create a meditative atmosphere is beneficial.
- Start by using medium to low lighting and vary it as you see
- Surround yourself with a few objects that relax you, but only
a few.
- Using incense is a very effective adjunct for some.
- Arrange for yourself not to be disturbed: Disconnect phones
and inform others.
Establish a Means of Visibly Starting
and Ending Your Meditation: Good rituals have a distinct
beginning and a defined end. Try some combination of the following:
- Sound a chime or bell at the beginning and end.
- Light a special candle and blow it out when done.
- Wear something used for meditation and remove it when finished
Other Tips:
- Avoid large meals just before meditation.
- Time your meditations with a countdown timer to avoid concern
for the passage of time.
- Allow yourself to come out of your meditation slowly and rest
afterwards if needed.
Protect your ritual. Use it with reverence and once you begin it,
ensure that you complete it if at all possible. Only share your
ritual with others whom you trust.

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