Focused Space
Create a Focus and Add a Little Life
Our immediate physical surroundings have a powerful
effect on our thoughts and emotions. The difference between a space
that encourages productively, one that induces relaxation, and one
that feels oppressive or distracting is all in the details.
As a rule, simple, uncluttered spaces help generate
clarity of thought and those dedicated to a specific theme, such
as work, recreation, social discourse, or relaxation will prove
more effective than multi-purpose areas.
- Try removing clutter from each area of your home and
work environment.
- Rid yourself of distracting energy drainers, those
things you try not to look at, or that otherwise make you feel tense
or uncomfortable when you see them.
- Determine what the primary purpose
of a space is to be, and set about to arrange the furniture and
fixings that add to that purpose, that induce the sense, focus,
or feeling that you want.
- Try to cleanse the space of things that
are not conducive to the purpose you have in mind. When you have
things paired down to a minimum and are comfortable with that, try
adding a little life, by means of fresh cut flowers or a few plants.
Live plants can help enliven and energize, while dried and fake
plants tend to do just the opposite.

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